Amplify 21 Days of Prayer

January 7th-27th, 2019

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The longer I live the more I feel pressed between two ongoing realities.  On one hand there is the busyness of life with its joys and requirements that demand I get things done: love my wife and kids, earn a living, clean the house and yard, etc.  On the other, there is the consuming desire to know God, see Him at work, and never miss a moment that He ordains.  Most of the time life and the God-reality go hand in hand.  He is with us as we “get things done.”

 But there are times when it is important to set some of the “everyday” aside and seek Him.  That is why I am calling for this 21 Days of Prayer to kick off our 2019 year.  It is a subtle statement that we will make time for God as the busyness, requirements, and joys of everyday life resume this 2019.

 Below is a link to our 21 Days of Prayer Devotional Guide.  In it we walk with the prophet Isaiah when God called him to ministry and amplified his praise, his passion and his capacity.

21 Days of Prayer Devotional

In addition to the devotional, we have opened our church building up for several times of prayer between January 7th and 27th.  If you are interested you can join us:

 Tuesdays from 4-5pm

Wednesdays from 4-5pm

Thursdays from 6:30-7:30pm

Saturdays from 9:30-10:30am

Sundays from 8:15-8:45am


We look forward to watching God amplify our lives.


Jeremy M. Gwaltney

Lead Pastor

Harvest Community Church